
First Guixsd Impressions

I tried guixsd about a half a year ago and didn’t like it. The reason being it was super slow. A friend told me that guix has gotten faster and from my little memory of it, it has by a decent amount. The laptop I am running it on is a 3gb 2 core thinkpad from 2005. Which was the same one I originally tried it on. It was a little annoying for me because I originally had to build my kernel from source as I don’t have a free wifi card.

Fedora Silverblue

I recently spent a week trying out Fedora Silverblue so keep in mind I am not running it anymore and actually installed guixsd (probably a article about that switch soon). Fedora silverblue is very experimental and a interesting concept. It revolves around the idea that there is a immutable base system which can’t be changed easily. This is the biggest aspect that is close to nixos and guixsd however the way you deal with this immuatable base is very different.