
First Guixsd Impressions

I tried guixsd about a half a year ago and didn’t like it. The reason being it was super slow. A friend told me that guix has gotten faster and from my little memory of it, it has by a decent amount. The laptop I am running it on is a 3gb 2 core thinkpad from 2005. Which was the same one I originally tried it on. It was a little annoying for me because I originally had to build my kernel from source as I don’t have a free wifi card.

Abusing Yasnippets

Recently I have switched to guixsd and found out that it does not have ripgrep, exa or bat. To me the only one I really care about is ripgrep so naturally I wanted to learn how to package it. Well… there is alot of bolderplate code involved in that because I need to package every single crate ripgrep uses. Looking into the source code for guix they actually do this.