
My vim.init

Even though I try to shill emacs as much as I possibly can I also like to use nvim so I can see the competition and learn things. Some things neovim does is fundamentally better then emacs ie evil. Workflows are fundementally different and I think that in order to use your workflow to its fullest potential you should understand other workflows and possible use different ones at different times. Anyway I recently remade my vim configuration as I originally made it in markdown trying to emulate org mode.

Multiple Cursors done right

Recently I actually found out a interesting way on how to deal with selection in emacs. A while ago when I was trying to force myself to use pure emacs keybindings I had trouble with finding a solution I liked which worked like dd in vim/evil. I then proceeded to install a package which made something I thought should be default in emacs which was C-w and M-w default to a single line if nothing was selected.