Renzix's Blog

Linux, Emacs and More

Org Mode

Emacs org mode is probably the best text based file type in existance. The beauty of org mode is not in how its written, its the functionality it provides and the problems it can solve. I don’t like explaining the features of org mode as seperate things but rather the functionality and use cases it can provide. One important thing to note is that none of these features are unique JUST to org mode.

The Cryptocurrency Argument

I don’t think people truly see the potential in crypto. To me crypto is literally a breakthrough for financial technology. Right now is the very early stages where machines are first getting invented. Corrupt government (adds competition) The fundemental reason why I think government currency is bad, is because it has to be regulated. Luckily I live in the US where the fed is based, so I don’t really ever have to worry about currency as usd can’t possibly fail and even if it does, all world currencies do.

Common misconceptions about emacs keybindings

A lot of people dont understand where emacs keybindings come from. I am going to give some reasons to what seems to be random keys and some ways to remember them. First lets get some of the obvious things out of the way for most emacs users. Basics Emacs uses the term Meta for Alt. This is because the original keyboard had a Meta key and not a Alt key. Most movement/editing keys are a single modifier and a letter because that is very easy to press when compared to multiple modifiers or one key after another.


One of the thing that I feel a lot of people get wrong is this idea that abstact concepts are always complicated and should be treated as such. One example is public speaking. When you are speaking about a subject publically, it only matters how much people understand and get interested from it. A lot of meaning tends to get lost to people getting passinate in a topic or trying to sound smart.


The website has been down for a VERY long time. So I have been too lazy to fix it (and be able to post). This is mainly because I was self hosting everything on a rpi through gitea and a nginx server (at one point apache). I don’t feel like throwing away 10$ a month so I am going to setup gitlab pages instead of a real vps. Once I get a real place and start making ~100k or so a year I will consider self hosting again.

Guide to Doom Emacs PART 1

I love text editors as you can probably tell from my content. The text editor I use the most is emacs and I have been using DOOM for a little while now. Doom is simply someone else’s config which is made to be usable. This is the second most popular config for emacs the other being spacemacs. At the core Doom differs from spacemacs by lazy loading as much as possible and let the user have more control over how they do things.


So during a snow storm my old computer died so I had to remake the entire server. It didn’t help that I had finals of my last semester of school on top of alot of discord drama. I am finally BACK and ready to start talking to myself more about random shit I do. This server is running a rpi3 and seems pretty slow. I may just get a old laptop and use that as a host for my nextcloud and possibly email.

My vim.init

Even though I try to shill emacs as much as I possibly can I also like to use nvim so I can see the competition and learn things. Some things neovim does is fundamentally better then emacs ie evil. Workflows are fundementally different and I think that in order to use your workflow to its fullest potential you should understand other workflows and possible use different ones at different times. Anyway I recently remade my vim configuration as I originally made it in markdown trying to emulate org mode.

Micro, a better nano

When you hear about powerful terminal text editors the only real options most people think of is vim and emacs. Most people who don’t use these text editors claim that nano is the best because its the easiest. You “don’t need” a powerful text editor. I really dislike this ideology because people end up using a awful editor which can’t be extended at all. I can’t suggest emacs because of how long and unintutive its default keybindings.

Vim Implementations

Vim is a amazing text editor. The way the keybindings flow together is really something beutiful. I am going to assume most people who are reading this know what vim is so I am going to explain why emacs is a better vim then vim itself. One common idea is that vim is fundementally better then vi. People don’t really take the time to understand why its really better. The same thing happens with neovim to vim but lets start with why vim is a better vi.