Living morally in the real world

The world is full of objects and people. The world is also full of information related to objects and people such as emotion and details. This incedible concept is insanely hard for people to grasp because we as humans are not built for understanding how to interact with so much information. So how do we do it?

We guess.

Humans are great at guessing. The problem with modern society is that when you make a guess on the internet, the guess is there forever. This guess ends up shaping who interacts with you(for and against) making you more extreme one way or another.

One of the things you can do is understand that everything you say and think is fundementally a guess. This has a whole bunch of consequences. One of the things you can take away is the idea of a margin of error. Because its fundementally a guess you have to provide some margin of error. One of the defining parts of someones morality is their margin of error. Having no margin of error is pretty objectively wrong because that assumes you are not guessing and that the world is not infinitely big/complex. Now you can have a extremely small margin of error effectively treating it like no margin of error.

The other area you can look at is practicality. One of the most important things to understand here is the sunk cost fallacy. The sunk cost fallacy when applied to morality is basically vengence. A great example of this is someone being punished for a crime. If you can 100% guarantee that the person being charged with the crime will not kill anyone else and will live a good life after death it is NOT practical to punish said person. Ofc this situation will not be possible because 100% guarantees dont exist (which is why we have to guess in the first place) and people who do crimes are more likely to do more crimes.

Practical morality is vastly different from theoretical morality so please next time you lose your temper or say something awful understand that you are just guessing and maybe you don’t know the whole story
