Guide to Doom Emacs PART 1

I love text editors as you can probably tell from my content. The text editor I use the most is emacs and I have been using DOOM for a little while now. Doom is simply someone else’s config which is made to be usable. This is the second most popular config for emacs the other being spacemacs. At the core Doom differs from spacemacs by lazy loading as much as possible and let the user have more control over how they do things. For someone like me who is obsessed with control this is perfect. I think spacemacs is a bit more userfriendly for someone who has never used emacs and does not want to hack on it and add elisp so generally I mention both to newer people. This is a basic guide aimed at 3 groups of users (emacs, vim and IDE/normal text editor people)

To get started all you have to do is go to the doom github and copy/paste a command. At the time of this writing the command is

# note that this requires you to backup or delete your .emacs.d
git clone ~/.emacs.d
~/.emacs.d/bin/doom install

So in normal emacs you should already know that you can edit either ~/.emacs= or ~/.emacs.d/init.el. Because of the way doom works with lazy loading everything it gives you another directory to put your config in. That directory is ~/.doom.d and contains 3 files by default. Because of the aspect of lazy loading to update packages you have to run a shell command. Yes I know this seems alien to many emacs users but the idea is that you shouldn’t be running emacs when you update anyway. Note you only have to run these commands when you change the packages that emacs is using. The command is located in ~/.emacs.d/bin and the creator of doom suggests you just add it to your PATH. This command takes one argument which is what you want it to do. The most common one is doom refresh or doom re (both are the same just one is less typing). This is your bread and butter and any time you want to add/delete packages you should use this command. Another useful command is doom upgrade and this one actually updates all of your packages to the latest version AND upgrades doom to the latest version. Finally we have the doom doctor command. This one tells you what (if anything) is wrong with doom or if your missing any external programs.

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.emacs.d/bin"
doom refresh # installs any packages that are in config
doom upgrade # updates doom and any packages installed
doom doctor  # Says what doom is missing to be perfect ie ripgrep

Now that we can update our packages we can start editing the config. The first file to go over is the .doom.d/init.el. Remember its in .doom.d not in .emacs.d. This file runs before the config and is made to define exactly what premade layers you are going to be using. Note that each layer has specific options which you can toggle by putting it in parens and adding the option name with a plus sign. Config.el is where you want to put the majority of your config. This is the general purpose place where most of it is meant to go. Note that doom provides many extra commands to make things easier for you and those in and of itself make doom worth it. Packages.el is strictly for packages and not for configuration even of those packages, put those in your config.el.

├── config.el   # your user config
├── init.el     # pre config, your layers
├── packages.el # your packages to install

There are many different commands that doom provides however keep in mind they are inspired by emacs and by vim commands.

Comming from emacs

Before I say anything note that doom lets you do default emacs keybindings all you have to do is disable the evil package. We can use this as a example on how to disable a package. Now that we got the basics of doom lets look at it from a emacs perspective. If you come from vim or a IDE/basic text editor then skip this section and go to the next one. I’m going to assume basic knowledge of package installation and explain a little about how you can make doom how you want it to be. In normal emacs you can litterally install packages 100 different ways. Dooms approach on package management is imo the best approach. You just don’t do it unless you have to. Also its configuration based so you don’t have to worry about having to reinstall everything manually. In order to install a package you either let doom handle it (assuming it has a layer associated with it) or do it yourself. To let doom handle it all you have to do is uncomment the packagename in your .doom.d/init.el and then run doom refresh.

Say we have this

;;; init.el
 evil ;; Just add a ; before evil then run doom refresh

we can disable evil by doing


and running

doom refresh

Now to install your own package you can use the package.el file and the def-package! macro. This pulls it from melpa however you can give it other options to pull from git repos or other places. See the doom documentation for more about that. Once you do this you would need to configure said package (unless you just want the package and no configuration). To configure it, go to your config.el and add a use-package! or a after!.

;;; package.el
(def-package! packagename)
;;; config.el
;; Note this is close to the use-package syntax but NOT the same
(use-package! packagename
  :init (message "Before my package is loaded")
  :config (message "After my package has been loaded"))
;; After! works like a eval-after-load but is not the same
(after! packagename
  (message "My package has been loaded!!!"))

After that your package should be loaded! Note that when you do it this way things will become much faster because stuff is only loaded when you need it due to the nature of the macros.

The last really nice macro doom has is map! which is close to the general package. You can use a single map! command to define multiple keybindings and on any map you want. It uses a common lisp style optional value to define the map and you can embed lists in it to define multiple maps in the same command. You also can define a prefix key for all keys pressed. It also allows for binding the leader key, a prefix with a specific map, after a feature(or package) is loaded, and when a condition is met. See more at C-h f map!.

(map! "C-c e" 'somefunc
      (:map org-mode
        "C-c e" 'org-edit-src)
        "`" 'do-something)
      (:prefix ","
        "," 'say-comma-comma)
      (:when (stirng= system-name "rentoo")
        "M-e" 'im-running-on-hostname-rentoo))

Doom offers this other functionality from vim called the leader key. This functions like a very clean C-x and C-c which doesn’t edit text but communicate with plugins, layers or other things. One example is the g key for git. This is enabled with the git layer and contains magit, and other git related keybinds.

Other then that most of the functionality is similar to emacs with a whole bunch of preconfigured plugins
